Reply to post: Re: "...the headphone jack..."

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Re: "...the headphone jack..."

I mentioned, "Proximity Bias; i.e. blaming the component that just happens to be the nearest, or the most visible."

Once (or perhaps Many...) upon a time, Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson's Ford GT wouldn't start. He and James May were shown literally disassembling the car's Start push button. This is another clear case of Proximity Bias, i.e. they're thinking (sic), "The car doesn't start when I push the Start button, 'therefore' (sic) the Start button itself must be at fault."

Blaming the headphone connector for weak audio is precisely the same (il)logical error.

Proximity Bias doesn't happen all that often, but when it does it's rather amusing, because it's so extremely silly.

It's almost TMI about what's inside people's heads. Scary.

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