Reply to post: Re: Colour me unsurprised.

Blockchain is a lot like teen sex: Everybody talks about it, no one has a clue how to do it

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Colour me unsurprised.

in the days before computers in the UK's Civil Service, typing pool typists would repeat the last word or two from the end of each page as the first words on the next page, in order to make it harder for some unscrupulous person to replace an entire page

Some book printers used this convention too; you can see it in some books printed in the nineteenth century. (Typically the repeated word or words appear on a line of their own, in the gutter or margin.) There I expect it was used to catch pages accidentally skipped or inserted out of order in the printing or binding process.

I've also seen it in other sorts of typed manuscripts, such as doctoral dissertations from Back In The Day.

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