Reply to post: Re: Clarity needed here

Tractors, not phones, will (maybe) get America a right-to-repair law at this rate: Bernie slams 'truly insane' situation


Re: Clarity needed here

You can actually do these kinds of repairs and mods yourself, at least on many manufacturers' vehicles. True, it often requires a factory-level scan tool or programmer, and possibly a not so cheap subscription to the "dealer net" or whatever they call their distribution channel if you want to obtain updates, but you can do these mods and updates yourselves.

One of my current vehicles (2015 Chrysler) has the ECU protected against unauthorized tampering. But you can buy an aftermarket "jailbroken" ECU fairly cheaply, then mod it to your heart's content with also reasonably-priced software tools. And it will interoperate with the rest of the vehicle. (whole cost well under $1K USD) FCA won't try to stop you, but you will void any warranty you have left, which is reasonable. My 2006 is even easier--with a cheap handheld programmer you can adjust many aspects of engine tuning from getting a mild performance boost with higher-octane fuel, to destroying it if you don't know what you're doing.

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