Reply to post: Re: Can a grownup, please...?

It's May 2. Know what that means? Yep, it's the PR orgy that is World Password Day... again


Re: Can a grownup, please...?

"If you string four of those words together at random...

And sure, you can add random shit to it to make it harder to guess..."

Or, and this might sound crazy, you could string more than four words together. XKCD didn't have it wrong, it just underestimated the ability of people to understand the actual point. If you take it as instructions that you must always use exactly four words, no more, no less, then yes, it's easy to come up with other schemes that are more secure. But if you understand the actual point - that words are much easier to string together into long, easily remembered sequences than a selection of random symbols - then the fact that secure passwords are actually quite easy should be clear.

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