Reply to post: Re: Device drivers

The Year Of Linux On The Desktop – at last! Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 brings the Linux kernel into Windows

bazza Silver badge

Re: Device drivers

They're moving away from a system call interface replica to hosting a Linux kernel in a virtual machine. So WSL2 will actually leverage their existing hypervisor, and they'll ditch all that WSL1 shim layer code that has been translating Linux system calls into NT system calls.

I think that that's a bit of a shame. The WSL1 shim has been pretty good, but now they're taking the lazy way forward. Whilst we might gain in some respects (any Linux code will run trouble free) we'll likely lose in others (host - guest filesystem integration will work how?). That is, will the result be substantially better than running VMWare Player's Unity feature?

And quite what happens to all that hard work that's gone into doing distros for the Windows store, I don't know. Will they have to be done again, or does one literally now install straight from the original ISO? Actually I suspect that they'll be retained and continue to work as before.

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