Reply to post: Re: downvoted for "black Americans"

Hey, those warrantless smartphone searches at the US border? Unconstitutional, yeah? Civil-rights warriors ask court to settle this


Re: downvoted for "black Americans"

""So if you're in the US, and you have dark skin, you're three times more likely to be shot by US security forces."

25% is less than two times 13%."

Suppose there are 1000 people, and the police shoot 100. (The numbers aren't important, just the proportions.) They shoot 25 blacks, 75 whites. But there are only 130 blacks in the population, so you have a 19% chance of being shot. There are 870 whites, of whom 75 are shot, which means you have a 8.6% chance of being shot. 19.2/8.6=2.23. So you are more than twice but less than three times as likely to be shot being black than white.

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