Reply to post: Re: Wow!

Accenture sued over website redesign so bad it Hertz: Car hire biz demands $32m+ for 'defective' cyber-revamp


Re: Wow!

Dunno about the work ethics, but impressive resumes + cheap is the right description.

Thing is, you can bring in all the talent you want, but if you spend their introduction to the company by hammering them into the outsourcing mindset of working fast, cheap and throw away practices out the window, then this is what you get. This is only the higher profile trouble Accenture got itself into.

And they work much like any other outsourcing company. Get some architects develop a plan, hand it over for execution to cheap devs who fail to stand up under pressure and the plan goes out the window. Then throw money and people (cheap, again) at the problem hoping it gets solved. Sometimes it does, often it doesn't.

The sad part is that those are structural problems that smaller companies manage to deal with (to some extent) but bigger outsourcing companies manage to mix in all sorts of failures with entrenched managers and cheap devs that fail to stand up to them,

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