Reply to post: Re: Help! My stiffies stuck in the slot

Is that a stiffy disk in your drive... or something else entirely?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Help! My stiffies stuck in the slot

Managements never seem to apply obvious time and motion study to white collar jobs.

That's one reason they buy vastly expensive centralised photocopier/printers to save a fraction of a penny per printed page rather than giving everybody a small laser/scanner - they have never stopped to work out the time wasted going to and from the central machine, separating jobs, going back and forth when the print needs adjusting - or the lack of productivity when the thing goes down.

I recall one company where consultants tended to come in late to prepare materials for the next day, but IT support clocked off at 5:30. If you ran a factory where there were no maintenance staff on the night shift, people would laugh at you.

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