Reply to post: Re: Exercise of the Pox

It's your what in a box? Here's a thing to make your bosses think about malware responses


Re: Exercise of the Pox

"good cybersecurity bods will mistrust any patch they didn't write themselves"

@Charlie Clark: Really? Are you talking about managing one software product or an enterprise environment with scads of different type of devices and software products across hundreds of locations? And, if you're talking about something under PCI and other similar security standards, patches will be required (based on levels of vulnerability, e.g. CVSS), or you will lose your certification, and revenues will slam to a halt. Or, do you just sell hammers (gawd, I'm never going to let Home Depot live that one down). But, I do respect the paranoia; if I remember correctly, it was an exploit of the patching system that brought them down.

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