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Parents slapped with dress code after turning school grounds into a fashion crime scene

Lee D Silver badge

Worked at a school in the UK that did exactly the same.

Parents who aren't dressed appropriately weren't allowed on-site (and the pickup/dropoff was inside the school grounds and the kids were little so weren't allowed to leave until someone appropriate came and picked them up / dropped them off).

Nobody really complained, and it stopped the onesie / dressing gown mums.

Seriously, people, your kid's expected to be washed, dressed, in a smart uniform, with their kit, on-time, and ready to go. And you can't even throw a pair of jogging bottoms and a t-shirt on?

But then, I've also worked in schools where it's not at all uncommon for kids to arrive un-fed, not having slept all night ("because mummy doesn't tell me to go to bed"), in filthy clothes that are weeks unwashed, etc. etc.

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