Reply to post: Re: Wow!

Accenture sued over website redesign so bad it Hertz: Car hire biz demands $32m+ for 'defective' cyber-revamp

Drew Scriver

Re: Wow!

Finally... a company that pushes back and files suit for breach of contract / failure to deliver.

Many of us, I assume, have been termed "nay-sayers", "roadblocks", "not team players", et cetera when we found the courage (or gall, as the brass tends to call it) to compare a consulting firm to the emperor in Anderson's prophecy (er, fairy tale).

Glad to see that sometimes even the brass can find that courage. Or did Hertz have a changing of the guard and the currently top doesn't run the risk of being criticized in the selection of said consulting firm, or their failure to hold them to the contract from the start?

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