Reply to post: Re: I really like Linux except :]

Disco Dingo fever: Ubuntu 19.04 has an infrastructure bent, snappier GNOME and another stupid name

Anonymous Coward

Re: I really like Linux except :]

@Esme: “Don't be silly, there's way more than six Commentards that use Linux, but we don't all read every article or all the comments on every article, or, indeed, feel the need to comment on every article. whether mentioning Linux or not.”

You are not of the body.

In relation to this release of Ubuntu, I see mostly negative comments across the Intertubes. If I was paranoid I would suspect some public relations company such as Wäggener Ædström was being hired on to put negative spin on the subject. For example and working from memory:

Not yet ready for the desktop, no separation of system from application (wha'), might work for experienced user but too many convolutions for the average family member, the installation attempt wiped the windows partition and/or damaged the hardware.

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