Reply to post: Re: 5G - beyond the hype

Why Qualcomm won – and why Tim Cook had to eat humble Apple pie


Re: 5G - beyond the hype

If I could get REAL 4G on my entirely REAL 4G capable smart phone, I’d be quite happy. But I can’t.

REAL 4G is AKA LTE Advanced. Good luck finding any. In the USA it’s only available in a very few cities. Otherwise, all we can get is fast 3G marketing re-branded as ‘4G’, which it is not.

AT&T’s idiotic “5GE” doesn’t qualify as REAL 4G either! That’s the state of mobile networking in the USA. It’s shameful. My country looks like a hillbilly mobile network compared to other First World nations. This is the effect of corporatocracy where short-term thinking dumbass companies tyrannize We The People with their lazy, obtuse, predatory bad attitudes. This is Crap Capitalism wrecking my country (vs Quality Capitalism where everyone benefits).

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