Reply to post: Re: Honda's planned closure of its Swindon plant

Did someone forget to tell NTT about Brexit? Japanese telco eyes London for global HQ

Dan 55 Silver badge

Re: Honda's planned closure of its Swindon plant

So we shouldnt believe Honda. The ones who made the decision, thought it through, probably discussed and debated the reasoning, who have an intimate understanding of the decision making process to bring about the end decision.

There are plenty of reasons why a business, Japanese or otherwise, doesn't shout "y'all done fucked up" from the rooftops when winding down, alienating potential customers and walking into a political storm are just two of them. But Honda's opposition to Brexit in any form which causes more difficulty trading with rEU as well as other Japanese car companies and Japanese business in general has been well reported. The Japanese ambassador for one spelt it out outside Number 10.

Instead we should believe someone you found claiming its for other reasons?

This person does seem to be particularly knowledgeable about Japanese business culture, but she wasn't claiming it, she was pointing to an article on Nikkei which said it. I double dare you to say that Nikkei doesn't know what it's talking about when it comes to Japanese business culture.

Being in the EU would be more helpful to this? That makes no sense. If the way to counter the effects of brexit is to open up to the world then remaining would be the worst thing. It limits our borders and removes that global openness she was just spouting.

Here's the thing, being part of the EU doesn't mean the world ends at the EU's borders, that's why the UK has trade agreements with 71 other countries through the EU. Including Japan, until it leaves.

Be careful when selecting experts.

I couldn't care less about Cameron or Osborne, that combination of clowns has ended up causing huge damage to the UK. Carney however got to work the next day to avoid his predictions coming true, unfortunately it took a tonne of QE.

And various expert predictions that hit the deck so fast remainers have had to ditch so many of their reasons to remain or be shamed for lack of integrity.

If you don't believe experts, believe British businesses themselves.

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