Reply to post: Re: What will clients do?

HMRC accused of not understanding its own IR35 tax reforms ahead of private sector rollout


Re: What will clients do?

"How about they train their staff to do the job?

Not enough staff hire some, or don’t take on work you are not equipped to carry out."

That makes sense when the work being done by contractors is a part of BAU, and in fact carrying out BAU work is often considered a pointer towards employment. However the vast majority of work I get as a contractor is project based, whether it's large upgrades or migrations. Whilst staff need to know general administration of Office 365, it would be utterly pointless to train one how to do the migration, as that is a "one and done" job usually.

IT Consultants often get lumped in with, for example, plumbers and electricians. In general most companies do not keep them on staff, you call one when you need one. Even very large companies with lots of maintenance to do might have a few on staff, but moving to new premises or refurbing exiting offices would bring more in for the project.

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