Reply to post: Re: The scan-as-you-go option

All's fair in love and war when tech treats you like an infant


Re: The scan-as-you-go option

And doG help you if you walk out of Bunnings without remembering to pick up the receipt for that $2.50 bag of rags!

We have the same here with the supermarkets and trying to move a bag of stuff you've already scanned out of the way to make more room.

I think next time I'll pay for what I've scanned, leave the trolley behind with the rest, and leave. They're accusing me of wrongdoing after all..

As to scummings... Yes, we have the same thing here with the people at the doors who wish to check receipts. I just smile and walk past them. I'm hoping some day their security will tackle me and restrain me. Since they're NOT sworn police it is actually assault for them to do that, especially as I am leaving the place quite innocently since I have paid for my stuff. Sadly they seem to know I'm the type who is itching to have this 'discussion' and leave me alone :(

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