Reply to post: When what you Own is not what you Think you Own, is IT a Stealthy Technological Device?

Autonomy's financial reports? I didn't even read KPMG's due-diligence, says ex-HP CEO Léo Apotheker

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

When what you Own is not what you Think you Own, is IT a Stealthy Technological Device?

But, yeah, we own it. ..... In short, it wasn't buried, by HPE or by the US government. Still available, still under development. ... Michael Wojcik

The only question worth asking of that which you think is owned, MW, is .... is it still worth scores of billions of dollars to the Virtual Enterprise Sector with ITs Myriad Remote Autonomous Trojan Vectors under development in Micro Focus fabless lab rat hands/hearts and minds?

If you think things are kosher and on the straight and narrow, would this anomalous glitch not be a red flag?

In open court, being asked some seriously pointed and deeply probing questions, has many a great white shark reduced to a defenceless minnow and latter-day saintly king with GOD complex to well dressed common criminal. Best avoided at all costs, methinks, with this particular puppet show set to cost the US technology sector considerably more than just £8.4bn if prepared to walk away off into the sunset to avoid being tested with proprietary information usually best secured and further protected as secret testimony.

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