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Only one Huawei? We pitted the P30 Pro against Samsung and Apple's best – and this is what we found


> Total bollocks. The two camera iPhones have a genuine optical zoom on one of cameras, as do the secondary cameras on many other two camera phones ( sone vendors spec a wide angle lens or a black and white sensor instead if a 2x zoom lens).

Not quite. A DSLR or bridge/compact camera will have a single lens which can be manipulated to change the zoom level. Conversely, the iPhone and various other smartphones have a primary "1x" lens and a /secondary fixed-zoom lens (e.g. 2x, 5x), which is usually called a telephoto lens.

So if you want a zoom level which isn't covered by one of the lens (e.g. 3x), your smartphone will have to create it by interpolating the data from one or more of the lenses.

It's this which makes me wary about Huawei's "10x lossless" zoom, given that they have a 1x lens and a 5x lens. My guess is that they're feeding data from both the 40mp 1x lens and the 8mp 5x lens into the interpolation algorithm and then slapping an "AI" label atop it because that's what all the hip and trendy kids do these days...

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