Reply to post: Re: PC Health Check Program

Office Depot, OfficeMax, cough up $35m after charging folks millions in 'fake' malware cleanup fees


Re: PC Health Check Program

Use of the PC Health Check was stopped in 2016 after reports of the TV news report came out.

I worked at Office Depot in tech and had stopped using the PC Health Check as the only diagnostic tool several years before when my manager had called when a customer looked at the report generated during the service and it said "no malware found and removed". He was told about the way the health check worked and we agreed to not use it as the only diagnostic tool.

We (at my location) did a lot more to repair computers than most other stores (all of us in tech built and maintained our own computers).

The new PC Check hooked up with an online tech and ran several diagnostic tools, sent back a report page detailing what was wrong, and made suggestions. The customer could then choose what they wanted done, or decline the services.

Many times the services were to update software, install A/V, upgrade RAM, defrag hard drive, and the funniest one I ever saw was a note at the end the report for a computer that the hard drive was about to die, not enough ram, cpu fan was on it's last legs, and several other big problems.

The note basically said that it would be cheaper for the customer to just buy a new computer than have the old one repaired.

I'm getting my coat and go home since I'm retired.

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