Reply to post: Re: Really?

The completely rational take you need on Europe approving Article 13: An ill-defined copyright regime to tame US tech


Re: Really?

As for the media companies, what's to stop them copycatting or covering?

The same thing that stops them now -- lawsuits. Especially in the movie realm you can get sued just for making a movie similar to someone's obscure book. Music is a different beast entirely, it has the same problem but now you pay the mafia general media licensing fees before you try to publish any music. That's normally enough to stop the problem and, if it wasn't the mafia, all of the artists would get a share of the profit too.

What I find really interesting is how everyone eventually starts trying to work around copyright and some of its insanity with a form of communism. In the music industry, it's "pay your cover charge to get into the commune -- once in the club, popular songs float all boats". In the software industry it's free software. Maybe if people have to resort to such extreme measures to get anywhere the system is broken?

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