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VP Mike Pence: I want Americans back on the Moon by 2024 (or before the Chinese get there)


So... right after Boeing kills hundreds of people by making mind-blowing engineering gaffes and being out-and-out dishonest about their products' capabilities in order to avoid losing contracts, Mike Pence (what a stupid name, though) tells them,"if our current contractors can’t meet this objective, then we’ll find ones that will,"

(On top of NASA's history of making spectular, deadly explosions in the name of keeping on schedule. ffs.)

I know Kennedy did the whole,"Space! Right now! Rah rah rah!," thing, to great effect, but to be fair he had to get the proles on-board with giving NASA very, very large sums of money, where these idiots are squeezing the budget while talking a big game.

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