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Brit Parliament online orifice overwhelmed by Brexit bashers

Lee D Silver badge

Personally, I was saying: "Yes or No" are pointless options and don't give me anywhere near enough information to proceed, even with the supporting documentation as it existed at that time, because we're voting on an intention to leave, not an actual plan of action.

They are also non-legally binding, representing only one-50-millionth-or-less of a vote, the people who asked had absolutely no intention of doing so, their party didn't want to do so, and they won't let the other party take over just to do so.

Additionally, I was also asking why I can't vote online in 2019 (despite having electronic passport, driving licence, etc.), why we're asking the public to vote on an issue they don't understand at all, and why there was a sudden rush to create a vote only after it was mentioned casually only in order to gain the support of the DUP etc.

Unfortunately, if you look at anything like this, 99.9% of the vote and reasons around it has absolutely no correlation whatsoever to "would I like to look at leaving the EU" and absolutely NOTHING to do with "DO YOU THINK WE MUST LEAVE THE EU NOW IMMEDIATELY NO MATTER WHAT, WITH NO PLAN WHATSOEVER AND YOU DON'T GET ANY FURTHER SAY OR CHOICE OF WHAT WE DO".

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