Reply to post: Re: all a waste of money

NASA: We need commercial rockets! SLS: Oh no you don't!

I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

Re: all a waste of money

IT Poser,

Now you've ruined everything!

Another biomedical application is growing replacement organs without needing the scaffolding that is required on Earth.

So now you've created the script for some horror film! I'm imagining a darkened space station filled with eerily plusating hearts - stalked by alien horrors, feasting on human flesh - when they can't get crew... Or a crew driven made by space sickness turning cannibal.

I'm sure this was already done as a Sylvester McCoy Dr Who too - Daleks wanting new organs obviously. The only one of his I remember watching, with Alexei Sayle as a mad space DJ.

Then worse:

Budweiser is experimenting in how to brew space beer

Q. What's the connection between having sex on an icy comet nucleus and drinking space Bud?

A. They're both fucking close to water.

Our astronauts deserve proper space beer! Intergalactic Pale Ales for all!

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