Reply to post: Re: Laugh of the day

In a humiliating climbdown, Facebook agrees to follow US laws

Robert Helpmann??

Re: Laugh of the day

In this case, however, a lot of people could be described as clueless because there was no way that they could find out how Facebook and its friends were slicing and dicing the personal data of their users for fun and profit.

Other than the well established and well published history of the company getting up to similar shenanigans over its entire corporate life? Just knowing FB has access to all sorts of intimate details of their users, that they make much of their money from advertising (directly or indirectly) and that they have been caught out more than once abusing their market position is enough that a clueful person would be able to work out that FB should not be trusted on any level. You don't need to know the exact details of how they are doing wrong to know that are doing something wrong.

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