Reply to post: Re: "The Post Office" couldn't go down

Facebook blames 'server config change' for 14-hour outage. Someone run that through the universal liar translator

J.G.Harston Silver badge

Re: "The Post Office" couldn't go down

Ok, taking that at face value, it was very difficult for "the phone system" to go down. Your line might go down, that doesn't take out the whole network. Your local switch might go down, that doesn't take out the whole network. Your local exchange might go down (happened to me, local exchange caught fire), that doesn't take down the whole network. The Soviet Union could decide to switch off their whole telephone system, that doesn't take the global network down.

Your comparison is a telco wirer swapping over a couple of banks of Strowgers in Little Troddingham on the Stow, and the ENTIRE WORLD goes telephonically dark.

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