Reply to post: Re: er, which one is that?

We can do this the easy way or the Huawei, US tells Germany with threat to snip intel over 5G fears

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: er, which one is that?

You may want to look up what Civil Asset Forfeiture is and then see how that has been used over the years. As for kidnapping people, if you happened to have the wrong skin colour and your name even resembled that of someone else, you would have been "rendered" (that's the US definition of illegally kidnapping someone in another country where they have f*ck all jurisdiction), end up wearing a nice orange suit in a warm country and be subjected to torture without access to any due process or even a lawyer. That's fun if you're innocent. On the plus side, Michael Moore remarked that they had at least good health care.

That would all be "legal" because they hired a space outside the US so it would not break any US laws. Hypocrites.

As for not engaging in cultural genocide, there's this amazing difference in people killed by police when they are white and when they are not, and that rarely results in conviction, even if it was 100% unjustified. Also, what do you think is going to happen when you separate little kids from their parents? That's maybe not mass genocide, it's more a relaxed kind of genocide.

The US was once a good country, but the decline that was started with Bush Jr hasn't really been halted. Trump is more the culmination of it, and I must say it is amazing that Trump managed to make Bush look good - I would not have deemed that possible.

Vlad must be going to work singing every day, enjoying his days at the Kremlin. He really scored big with Trump, so big..

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