Reply to post: Re: Corporate travel bookings

Sure, we've got a problem but we don't really want to spend any money on the tech guy you're sending to fix it

jake Silver badge

Re: Corporate travel bookings

I couldn't remember the exact numbers, so out of curiosity I just eyeballed my tax returns from around three and a half decades ago ...

At a company in California, about 8 of us were presented with a new-fangled DynaTAC and a couple spare batteries/chargers, and told that we were to stay connected 24/7 ... at which point we all said "more money, please". With threats of quitting en mass. The company finally agreed, and we were compensated the princely sum of $1.75 for each hour of "out of the office" on-call hours. Doesn't sound like a lot today, but in the mid 1980s $11K/yr wasn't chump-change. Especially for essentially doing nothing. So speak up. Squeaky wheel & all that.

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