Reply to post: Re: RE: I'd be a lot less emotionally distressed after than before

One-time Mars InSight Lander engineer scores $1.5m redress over whistleblower sacking

Cliff Thorburn

Re: RE: I'd be a lot less emotionally distressed after than before

I was not being sarcastic at all amFM, I actually believe that there are many things that would be so highly questionable in the US, and would bring cataclysmic Church Committee congress conundrums type investigations demanding such to be carried out and observed through distant data streams in lands of duelling Red Dragons, and Blue Fairies in modern day Korean Cyberwars creating practical prisoners of wars, in modern day Neoconopticon Virtual Observatories with new day NASA Dragon X Alien Territories to phorm new fangled land exploration and Virtual Brains.

Everyone deserves the right to a fair trial amFM, and prior to inflicting premeditated practical psychological punishment, psy ops, and propaganda on such individuals those persons told and educated to do the right things for the good of all, should have the right to mitigate, if such is an impossible impracticality, then a jury led decision to compensate dire deprivation of liberty is the very least unfortunate chosen individuals of past, present and future rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of ‘appiness dangled on large phishing poles with virtual carrots, perhaps to be banished to islands flying remote control Teradactyls reflecting on loss of chance, and languishing in loves lost and days of future past :-)

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