Reply to post: Death by technological cop out

Uber won't face criminal charges after its robo-car killed woman crossing street


Death by technological cop out

In Australia we have no death penalty, cops are trained to shoot to kill and selfdrive cars will (in an accident situation) wipe you out to save their negligent driver (who is texting) and their family, while you are driving safely alone nearby.

Driver Assist that's what they *should* call it and clearly state that the driver must maintain control of the vehicle at all times.

The longer a driver does not have to respond to the road they will suffer from boredom and distractions, until they are occupied sufficiently not to be able to respond in time.

A red area to the left (or right) down the side of the windscreen could be displayed when the radar/lidar system detects movement near that side of the road, alerting the driver something is near in the distance.

It seems inevitable that the worst will happen so we will see in the future auto/selfdrive vehicles driving down the footpath, ploughing thru school crossings, as well as running up parked car & trucks.

IF it takes 10 onboard computers to deal with peripheral objects and movement detection (or lack there of) then do it.

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