Reply to post: Re: Java, meet Python

'Java 9, it did break some things,' Oracle bod admits to devs still clinging to version 8


Re: Java, meet Python

Funny, but no one expects that perl5 code will run in perl6 (Rakudo would be a better name for the new language perhaps), and perl5 is *still maintained for real*.

Whereas to run the Java for a Chinese Virtual Network Analyzer I bought, that has roughly zero chance of being updated, ever - I had to install an older JRE on my linux system and set it as default instead, since unlike the shebang line in perl, this isn't automatic in Java it would seem. I'm not a java programmer, so it took a bit to get it going again (or I could just throw away >$300 of hardware).

Helpful link:

I actually have more luck with perl running cross platform without debugging everything for each one. But that's just anecdotal and I write good code and ensure I think about that a little when doing it.

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