Reply to post: Re: So...

Hipster whines at tech mag for using his pic to imply hipsters look the same, discovers pic was of an entirely different hipster

veti Silver badge

Re: So...

No. Statements of opinion are not slanderous, no matter how well or poorly founded or thought out they may be.

In addition, statements can only be slanderous (or libellous) if it is possible to identify who they are referring to, and the person/group in question is small enough and clearly enough defined that it can credibly be described as potentially affecting their reputation.


"Steviebuk is a tit" - statement of opinion, fine.

"No commentard has an IQ above 85" - a large and vaguely defined group, fine.

"veti has an IQ below 85" - framed as a statement of fact, directed at a specific person - potentially actionable, except that even under UK law you can't libel yourself...

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