Reply to post: Re: destroyed already

Spooky! Solar System's Planet NINE could be discovered in the next NINE years (plus one to six), say astroboffins


Re: destroyed already

You MikeeMiracle, unfortunately are like so many others who cannot seem to differentiate between the beginning and something that happened later, it's like saying you typed that reply just after birth and you haven't grown up yet.

The solar system formed around 4.5 Billion years ago then LATER other events occurred in it - even events such as life on Earth and Jupiter's & Saturn's accretion of mass and Mercury's loss of atmosphere.

Of course the Greeks and many before them observed the events from about 16,000BC to 2,300BC

Lascaux cave being a sky map indicates that the sky could be seen well around 25,000BC.

Just have to wait until the boffins catch up to the myth.

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