Reply to post: Re: Voda's senior transformation manager, John Lowe

Vodafone exec dons tartan tam-o'-shanter, clutches bottle of Irn-Bru, in snap shared with firm... just before Glasgow staff told of redundo dates

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Voda's senior transformation manager, John Lowe

Why is that a job?

Because "transformation" is currently a fashionable concept in lard-arse corporates, despite their resolute inability to change other than through sacking the proles.

I know this because my own job title includes the t-word, and I work for a big lard arse company you've all heard of, which is busy sacking large chunks of the work force. You might ask if I have transformed anything at this company, and the answer is "no", because the senior management are the most inept ditherers I've ever come across. But we do have a beautifully complex transformation programme, that regularly reports huge benefits. Pity those multi-million benefits never reach the bottom line.

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