Reply to post: Re: I'm hoping UX/responsive design is a phase

Dratted hipster UX designers stole my corporate app


Re: I'm hoping UX/responsive design is a phase

New icons are going to be ambiguous until you learn what they do by trial and error. It also may require context. Few people click a magnifying glass on a website, thinking it's going to zoom in. However on a map, if you saw a magnifying glass overlaying the map, you might think it would zoom in. If it was in a small white box overlaying the map, you probably know it's a search function.

On Chrome I can see 3 dots vertically which when clicked, it is a menu. On Edge, it's 3 horizontal dots. How does this differ from a hamburger menu? These are just the new emperor's clothes. The first time I saw the 3 dots, I had to click it to confirm it was a menu - the same process as the first time I interacted with a hamburger menu. I now know if I see a hamburger or the 3 dots in the corner, they are most likely a menu. If it changes to a cat icon in the corner and then everybody starts using a cat icon, I'll eventually accept that's a menu.

What I'm getting at, does any icon truly state what it does until you use it for the first time? What we might call ' obviously intuitive' is actually layers of experience.

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