Reply to post: Re: The Usual Response... -- Grammatically Correct

Use an 8-char Windows NTLM password? Don't. Every single one can be cracked in under 2.5hrs

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: The Usual Response... -- Grammatically Correct

>Note that it's possible to have nonsense phrases that are grammatically valid, which might help with memory...

Another part of my early 1980's Computing degree that is still current :)

I tend to use this style of passwords for those accounts that it is helpful (ie. less irritating) to 'remember' short-term but not long-term. For example the SysAdmin account: for the few hours I'm working on something and swapping between accounts this style of password - in part because of the imagery and humour is relatively easy to retain and thus enter, compared to the typical random password which may be shorter but always requires you to look up, even if you had only used it a couple of minutes previously, and thus distract from the main task at hand.

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