Reply to post: Fascism Doing its jolly work

One click and you're out: UK makes it an offence to view terrorist propaganda even once


Fascism Doing its jolly work

The UK is rapidly becoming the incarnation of NAZI Germany. You've got CCT cameras everywhere spying on your citizens, you have no constitutional protections against the government depriving you of due process and democratic freedoms, and you have laws like this one the GESTAPO would have been happy to have at their beck and call. At least you don't have fascist laws like "Its a crime to slander the state" like most of the rest of Europe does, or am I wrong about that?. Its no wonder that the world's first fascist states were established in Europe. Welcome to the New Fascism. Your authoritarian governments are trying to qualify for that label, and doing well at it. The rest of the so-called democracies are not far behind you. The US and the mis-named Democrats were a keen exporter of fascist ideas including Eugenics, adopted by such left-wing luminaries as George Bernard Shaw, all welcomed by Mussolini and Hitler. There is nowhere to go anymore. Good luck to us all.

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