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Accused hacker Lauri Love tries to retrieve Fujitsu lappie and other gear from Britain's FBI in court

Big Brother

AES, the de-facto go-to symmetric encryption algorithm was published in 2001.

128-bit AES is still currently not brute-forceable. There are some 'side-channel' attacks on implementation-specific vulnerabilities, i.e. dodgy coding on the encryption software.

Therefore 128-bit AES encrypted material from 2001 (we,, say 2003 to allow time for implementations to be available) is still secure from brute-force attack.

If the encryption software used isn't one of those with known implementation vulnerabilities, and the key wasn't just found lying around on a post-it note or stored in a ROT13/XOR'ed-type hash in the "my passwords.txt" file, then the rubber hose/telephone book method on someone who has the key is still the most effective attack vector.

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