Reply to post: Re: Transactional Tax

Apple solemnly agrees to pay France $570m in back taxes, turns to camera, gives us a wink


Re: Transactional Tax

Companies, now and for all time, put their prices based on their costs and margins, and always have and always will pase 100% of those costs along to consumers in one form or another. Thinking you can ever "tax those other guys" is naive in the extreme and displays ignorance of how money works.

Less margin if they "eat it" simply means less for grandma's pension fund - or some other outflow of the profits created by whatever margin. There are no exceptions other than slightly shifting where the burden is places, but it is NEVER on the companies involved.

There is the exception to that given the rampant cronyism out there, where big outfits buy laws that make them even more dominant over the little guys, as if network effects didn't accomplish most of that already.

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