Reply to post: Re: "There isnt? So you wouldnt advocate rejoining the EU?"

Thanks for all those data-flow warnings, Now let's talk about your own Brexit prep. Yep, just as we thought

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: "There isnt? So you wouldnt advocate rejoining the EU?"

@codejunky - up voted because of your calm and reasoned presentation.

>Absolutely nothing at all even hinted such democracy.

Well, the referendum requirement was in the European Union Act 2011. If you remember the Cons, Labour and LibDems all committed to holding a referendum in the event of any further transfer of sovereignty, this got incorporated into the Act. Because of the way the EU works, the summit this autumn was known about back in 2010. Thus the stage was set for the UK to walk into the summit with everyone knowing that whatever was agreed would have to satisfy the UK electorate or not get ratified additionally, it put a rod to the backs of the UK politicians doing the negotiating.

Yes, assuming everything went pear-shaped and having failed to ratify the treaty and come up with an acceptable alternative, Westminster would have to consider whether the time had come for an in/out referendum. However, the key difference between this scenario and today would be the understanding and mood of the UK electorate, ie. people would have their eyes open.

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