Reply to post: Re: Tangible value of currency

Crypto exchange in court: It owes $190m to netizens after founder 'dies without telling anyone vault passwords'


Re: Tangible value of currency

That's not a good comparison. Fiat currency has value and need because of the government behind it. It levies taxes that must be paid in its currency and it pays out in that currency. The currency then becomes a representation of the underlying asset value of the country. This "generally" makes for a reasonably stable currency which can be valued then traded against fiat currencies of other nations. This is utterly different to bitcoin which is not a currency. A more appropriate analogy for bitcoin would be a limited set of baseball cards. When the fans want to buy them the price goes up, and when they want or need to sell them (perhaps to pay a tax bill) the price goes down. Even that is a far from perfect analogy as a baseball card has a picture on it with some intrinsic value.

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