Reply to post: Re: Apple will laugh all the way to the couch...

Apple solemnly agrees to pay France $570m in back taxes, turns to camera, gives us a wink

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Apple will laugh all the way to the couch...

Who says they are trying to PUNISH? They are trying to collect on back taxes owed, these are not fines.

BTW, if you taxed Apple of any other company in the trillions you'd bankrupt them. No company can afford to pay such a tax bill, let alone a tax bill from a single country. If any country created such a tax system, its consumers would no longer have any products to buy because Apple, Google, Facebook and every other US or EU company subject to such a tax would stop doing business in France instantly. France isn't such a big market US companies can't just say 'adieu' if they go crazy like you think they should.

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