Reply to post: Re: Do these "scandals" have any adverse affect though?

Furious Apple revokes Facebook's enty app cert after Zuck's crew abused it to slurp private data

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Do these "scandals" have any adverse affect though?

One day, they will inevitably lead to regulations FB won't like. FB looks really inept at keeping a low profile and avoid one scandal after another. Maybe they thing they are smarter, or that enough money funneled to politicians will be enough. But FB is underestimating the fear politicians have it can control their future re-elections, and not all politicians like to be stooges only. Corrupted, maybe, but not wholly controlled by someone else. Especially since once FB can influence what people think and vote, it might not need to "lobby" (read "pour a lot of money") much in Washington to achieve what it needs.

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