Reply to post: Re: Why Etcher?

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Re: Why Etcher?

"Why has everyone suddenly opted for the big old fat bloated Etcher for disk imaging on Windows?"

Because it is the literally sole (Yes, I looked. A lot...) image burning GUI on windows that doesn't look like it had its UI designed in the darkest ages of Win95 - control is nice when you need it, but what most people want is select image file -> select target drive -> click 'burn' -> DONE. Not eleventy billion options they have no idea what to set to. "I have been given an image file and sent here to burn it, so dammit stop asking me questions I don't know the answer to and just fucking make it happen!". And Etcher is the only one that does that. Yes, I'm perfectly capable of using any of the other ones. No, I profoundly loathe using any of them.

"Etcher is run by a company with the potential to fsck everyone over"

What do you mean "potential"...?!? If it wasn't clear enough how much they care about their users, take a loot at this undead feature request...

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