Reply to post: Re: The reasons for the iPhone sales slump were threefold

iPhone price cuts are coming, teases Apple CEO. *Bring-bring* Hello, Apple UK? It's El Reg. You free to chat?


Re: The reasons for the iPhone sales slump were threefold

>They are still THE premium smartphone.

Except for people who value function over form, control over their own device, adherence to standards (headphone and charging sockets), replaceable battery, micro SDHC slot, reasonable screen and cable resilience, USB connectivity to move music / images / other data, access to the file system, transparency about flaws and bugs and the resolution status, not being one of the herd, being ably to think differently (not using 'different' as if it was an adverb), not being a hipster / chav clone, etc.

For the rest, it's THE premium smartphone.

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