Reply to post: Re: @Jamie Jones... Wash, rinse, and repeat.

Oof, are you sure? Facing $9bn damages, Google asks Supreme Court to hear Java spat

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: @Jamie Jones... Wash, rinse, and repeat.

Hmm, you speak like you know something about the case but your comments suggest otherwise. JavaME was never an option as it was way too limited for an OS like Android. It was designed as a mobile OS for the Nokia style phones of the time not for access to underlying hardware. It was made for a very small footprint, low resource device and limited use.

The licencing required was for the Java Compatability testing which meant you could call it Java but wasn't available for mobile devices (that had to be JavaME).

So a clean room version based upon harmony was created, the on clean room bit was a tiny amount that was written in by someone who had originally written it and chevked ranges. The rest was the API and created the specification for the interface which was mainly similar as nearly all APIs are to allow interoperability. For instance you have standardised Java Docs, getters and setters etc. But the underlying processing was clean.

Sun seemed perfectly happy with it, Oracle saw a money grab bought Java and sued.

Oracle could be sued for their use of SQL for exactly the same arguments.

Copyright for artistic works never sits great with software development as every single software developer has copied for their projects. And every one who has reused an API of any size has probably done similar to this.

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