Reply to post: Re: welp....

As netizens, devs scream bloody murder over Chrome ad-block block, Googlers insist: It's not set in stone (yet)

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: welp....

I live with another family and the situation is exactly the same. I've set up my own VPN'ed channel into the cable router and everything I do is invisible to them and they are equally invisible to me. Took awhile but I did finally convince them that I know nearly nothing about Windows 10. I'm keeping the fact that Server 2016 and 10 do share some similarities to myself. Having no cell phones in my life keeps me out of trouble in that regard. It's pretty much self-preservation now.

[No one, after they take one look at any of my computers, even the Windows ones, wants to use one of mine. Bizarre is a good start on their desktops.]

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