Reply to post: Re: No point

Ever feel like all your prayers go unheard? The Catholic Church has an app for that

jmch Silver badge

Re: No point

"...he knows what you want before you do! "

The way I understand the theoretical concept, god supposedly is out of time and transcends time. So 'before you do' has no meaning. God can see the whole of the universe simultaneously in both space AND time. And even if individuals have freedom of choice, surely that also means that god can simultaneously see all possible courses of action that an individual can take/has taken/could take ie even if there are infinite parallel universes, god has perfect knowledge of all of them.

Either way it implies that even though an individual seems to have free will, their choices and life path are known to god and therefore fixed. Sort of difficult to reconcile that to individual responsibility for sinful/non-sinful behaviour that gets punished/rewarded, given that as far as god is concerned the moment of creation and that of judgement (and resulting penalty) are one and the same.

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