Reply to post: Re: Yes, the bad companie are

Oracle exec: Open-source vendors locking down licences proves 'they were never really open'

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Yes, the bad companie are

"Can you support this claim?"

There have been a couple of cases so far relating to the heirs(*) of opensource copyrights rescinding GPL licenses and demanding royalties/licensing fees. This is expected to become more and more of a problem as time goes on. (We've all seen how people can be moneygrubbing ghouls when it comes to dead relatives)

(*) As in "not the authors, but inherited upon the author's demise"

This is one of the reasons that FSF require that copyrights be assigned to them if they are to take up the baton on GPL violations (Apart from the issue of providing standing in court, they want to ensure that what they're fighting to keep open and free STAYS open and free)

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