Reply to post: Re: Analogous to nature, really ?

IP freely? What a wind-up! If only Trevor Baylis had patent protections inventors enjoy today


Re: Analogous to nature, really ?

> At what point does the idea became a plan become a thing become a thing that can be sold ????

At the point it can be patented.

Or to put it another way:

You can NOT patent AN IDEA. You can ONLY patent an IMPLEMENTATION of an idea.

Or to put it another way:

Your understanding of IP Protection via Patent is not based on understanding what Patents are, how they work, nor, critically, how they are awarded.

Basically, your final note "a thing that can be sold": that's the only thing that can be patented.

Or to put it another way:

what you're protesting about needing to be done, was actually the fundamental starting point of the entirety of patent law and remains so today. Ideas can not be patented, plans can not be patented, you MUST have an actual buildable saleable THING. That thing then serves as the basis of you protecting your idea.

ONE exception: a "fundamental" patent. The creation of a whole new entire branch of human scientific endeavour and development. These are so rare as to be unicorns. I have come across one in my life. I've eaten more gold dust.

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