Reply to post: Standardised t&c's

Say GDP-aaaRrrgh, streamers: Max Schrems is coming for you, Netflix and Amazon


Standardised t&c's

The internet has been around long enough now, that it wouldn't be such a hard task to cobble together a standardised agreement that would suffice for all but the most divisive of organisations. Even then, the more sinister companies could be forced to frame their terms and conditions in relation to the standard, and explicitly state where the two diverge.

Any use of obfuscating legalese in bespoke conditions would automatically render the whole contract null and void.

The result would be that customers could be safe in the knowledge that signing a standard contract would not have their mouth sewn into another users arse, because they didn't read the 157th page of the t&c's they were signing. (thank you South Park for the image that just won't go away)

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